Previous Concerts
Our most recent concerts have featured shorter works by the likes of Tchaikovsky, Bruckner, Brahms, Fauré and others together with the following longer works:
Bach B Minor Mass and St John Passion
Liszt Missa Choralis
Handel Saul, Solomon and Israel in Egypt
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
Mozart Mass in C Minor and Requiem
Haydn Creation
More widely, over the years we have been privileged to sing a wide range of music including many of the finest works in the Western choral repertoire. These have included:​
Spem in alium, Lamentations I & II, Masses, Motets
Masses for 4 and 5 Voices, Motets
Vespers of 1610, Venetian Vespers, Orfeo
Dido and Aeneas, Birthday Odes, St Cecilia Ode, Epicedium, Motets, Funeral Sentences
Mass in B Minor, St John Passion, St Matthew Passion, Christmas Oratorio, Magnificat, Easter Oratorio, Motets, Cantatas, Singet dem Herrn
Jephtha, Theodora, Hercules, Messiah, Saul, Dixit Dominus, Coronation Anthems
Nelson Mass, Harmoniemesse, Heiligmesse, Stabat Mater, Te Deum, Salve Regina, The Creation, Theresienmesse
Requiem, Mass in C Minor, Mauerische Trauermusik, Kyrie in D minor, Cantata K 623 Symphony No. 41, Vesperae Solennes, Concertina in Eb for violin and viola
Mass in C, Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt
Mass in E flat, Mass in A flat, Rosamunde music, Music from Lazarus, Hymnus an den Heiligen Geist
L’Enfance du Christ
Wie der Hirsch schreit, Hear my prayer, Verleih’ uns Frieden, Sechs Sprüche, Mitten wir im Leben sind
Requiem fur Mignon
Masses Nos 2 and 3, Motets
Requiem, Liebeslieder Walzer, Alto Rhapsody, Geistliches Lied, Begräbnisgesang
Go, song of mine, The Prince of Sleep, Serenade for Strings, Cello Concerto, From the Bavarian Highlands, Sospiri, Sursum Corda, Give unto the Lord
Trois Chansons
Symphony of Psalms, Mass
Gloria, Stabat Mater, Litanies à la Vierge Noire, Organ Concerto, Motets
Rejoice in the Lamb, Hymn to St Cecilia, Missa Brevis, Serenade for tenor, horn and strings
Cherubic Hymns, Legend
Der Mensch lebt und bestehet
Since we engage players and ensembles which rank among the country's finest we also often feature instrumental works in our programmes both to showcase the remarkable talent we are privileged to work alongside and to provide further variety and interest to our programmes.
Our players and soloists
In addition to our own professional orchestras (the Academy Baroque Players led by Alison Bury and the London Mozart Players) we have been immensely fortunate to perform alongside some of the foremost professional musicians as vocal soloists including:
"Far from the usual young student or post-graduate solo singers usually booked by choral societies, the six vocal soloists were well-established professionals of considerable standing."
- Andrew Benson-WIlson
Nancy Argenta
Sarah Fox
Geraldine McGreevy
Mary Nelson
Ruth Holton
Rachel Nicholls
Ruby Hughes
Malin Christensson
Angela Kazimierczuk
Jennifer Smith
Patrizia Kwella
Natalie Clifton-Griffith
Grace Davidson
Elizabeth Robson
Katherine Fuge
Julia Doyle
Louise Alder
Susanna Hurrell
Mary Bevan
Soraya Mafi
Rowan Pierce
Kate Royal
Sarah Tynan
Erica Eloff
Keri Fuge
Millie Forrest
Nardus Williams
Mezzos and Altos
Susan Bickley
Linda Hirst
Diana Moore
Hilary Summers
Kathryn Turpin
Clare Wilkinson
Alexandra Gibson
Helen Charlston
Catherine Wyn-Roberts
Esme Bronwen-Smith
Robin Blaze
James Bowman
Charles Brett
Michael Chance
Richard Scott
Richard Wyn Roberts
William Towers​
William Purefoy
David Allsopp
James Hall
Hugh Cutting
Paul Agnew
Allan Clayton
Thomas Hobbs
Ben Johnson
William Kendall
Ian Partridge
Andrew Staples
Nicholas Mulroy
Robin Tritschler
Andrew Tortise
Alessandro Fisher
James Gilchrist
Tom Elwin
Benjamin Hulett
Guy Cutting
Andrew Tortise
Toby Spence
Nick Pritchard
Ed Lyon
Hugo Hymas
Aaron O'Hare
Basses and baritones
Colin Campbell
Stephen Varcoe
Robert Rice
Simon Birchall
Derek Welton
Richard Wigmore
Neil Howlett
Jonathan Lemalu
Roderick Williams
Njabulo Madlala
Marcus Farnsworth
Matthew Brook
James Newby
Thomas D Hopkinson
Morgan Pearce
Christopher Purves
Dingle Yandell
Ed Grint
Julian van Mellaerts
James Platt
Darren Jeffery